Friday 4 June 2021

Scott Morrison’s deal for 500-bed quarantine in Victoria

Scott Morrison will commit $200 million to the construction of a 500-bed Victorian quarantine facility at Avalon under a plan close to finalisation ahead of Friday’s national cabinet meeting.

But under a memorandum of understanding sent to the Victorian government, the state would be required to pay for the costs of operating the centre. Construction of the facility would commence by September, with an opening expected in January.

The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet has been negotiating on key principles for the memorandum with the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet, although there remained sticking points on Thursday night.

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Federal government unveils financial support for Covid-hit Victoria

Out-of-work Victorians will be eligible for a new payment as the state grapples with its fourth Covid lockdown. Here’s how to claim yours.

Melburnians will have to prove they have less than $10,000 in liquid assets and have “insufficient” leave entitlements to receive a new $500 Covid-lockdown emergency payment.

Victoria was plunged into lockdown over a week ago to crush an escalating Covid outbreak, a measure that was extended earlier this week.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Thursday confirmed people in hot spots would be eligible for weekly emergency payments to help them through the crisis.

People living in hot spots aged over 17 who ordinarily worked 20 hours a week will receive $500 a week, while those who worked less 20 hours would receive $325.

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Thursday 3 June 2021

Greater Melbourne workers affected by COVID lockdown eligible for Commonwealth payments

People in greater Melbourne who have lost work as a result of the lockdown will receive a payment of either $500 or $325, as part of a financial support package from the federal government.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the "temporary COVID disaster payment" would be made on a week-by-week basis.

People over the age of 17 who usually work more than 20 hours a week will be eligible for the full $500, or $325 if they work fewer hours than that.

The payment will be part of a new "national framework" and will be made available to other states if they are declared a Commonwealth hotspot and a lockdown is needed for more than a week, like is currently the case in Melbourne but not regional Victoria.

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Univeristy of Melbourne researchers say there has been one hotel quarantine leak per 204 Covid-19 infected travellers

A concerning statistic has exposed a major issue with coronavirus in Australia that shows just how often one thing is going wrong.

Shocking new analysis has revealed just how far from “fit for purpose” Australia’s hotel quarantine system really is.

Researchers from the University of Melbourne have found that for every 204 Covid-19 infected travellers that have undergone their mandatory quarantine in Australia there has been one leak.

There have been 21 “failures” in Australia’s hotel quarantine system between April 2020 and June 2021, including eight in NSW, five in Victoria, three in Queensland, three in Western Australia, and two in South Australia.

Many have prompted snap, or extended lockdowns in major cities.

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Bombshell emails over what Anthony Fauci knew

America’s top medical adviser Anthony Fauci was informed as early as February 2020 that Covid-19 exhibited unusual viral characteristics which could have potentially been engineered in a lab, according to emails published.

A trove of private correspondence, obtained by The Washington Post and Buzzfeed, reveal some of the crucial moments leading up to the pandemic in early 2020 when Dr Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, sought urgent information regarding the nature and origins of Covid-19.

Dr Fauci, who led the US response to the outbreak, previously rejected claims that Covid-19 leaked from a laboratory setting, but reversed his position in May, admitting that he was “not convinced” the virus had developed naturally and more needed to be done to investigate its precise origins. In one email from Kristian Andersen, a virologist at the Scripps Research Institute in California, Dr Fauci was told that Dr Andersen and his fellow scientists had to “look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered”.

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Mike Pompeo Says 'Every Piece of Evidence' Points to Wuhan Lab Leak

Every piece of evidence" points to the theory that the coronavirus escaped from China's virus research institute in Wuhan, Secretary Mike Pompeo said Tuesday.

President Donald Trump's former top diplomat at the State Department has stuck to his COVID-19 origin theory since the start of the pandemic, citing a supposed mountain of evidence despite skepticism from the media and prominent members of the scientific community.

"Every piece of evidence suggests the Wuhan virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology," Pompeo tweeted. "Communist China owes the world answers," he added.

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Wednesday 2 June 2021

Community vaccination hub for under-50s opens at Rocklea


The Rocklea Showgrounds has opened as Brisbane’s first of 14 community hubs to inoculate younger people.

The Courier-Mail can reveal people are being booked in and are receiving the Pfizer vaccine after registering their interest last week.

The community hubs come as Queensland moves towards setting up mass vaccination hubs later in the year when supply is set to increase.

Health Minister Yvette D’Ath last week said she was very confident the 14 hubs would be open before July and that vaccines could be offered to under 40s soon.

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Australia politics live update: NSW reports 16 new Covid cases; premier Gladys Berejiklian announces new Sydney restrictions; NZ, WA, Qld and Victoria tighten borders

  NSW urgently investigating four mystery cases overnight. Follow all the latest updates, live New Zealand suspends travel bubble with NSW ...