Saturday 5 June 2021

Melbourne protests: People arrested outside Flinders St Station, heavy police presence at vaccination hubs

Police have arrested a number of protesters who weren’t wearing masks outside Flinders St Station during a rally for small business.

Multiple protesters at a rally for small business have been handcuffed outside Flinders St station on Saturday morning before being released.

Public order response teams pounced on protesters who were not wearing masks.

Among the group was high profile ‘freedom’ fighter Morgan Jonas.

Earlier Carly Söderström one of the speakers at the protest, who was wearing a mask, said she wanted to peacefully represent small business.

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No care, no responsibility: Morrison government’s stark pandemic failures in aged homes

If the stakes weren’t so high it’d be a comedy of errors. With the stakes very high indeed, it’s closer to a danse macabre.

Of all the Australians who’ve died of COVID-19 so far, three-quarters died in aged care homes. That’s 685 people dead in aged care homes out of a national COVID death toll of 910. Specifically, the 685 people died in aged care homes subsidised and regulated by the federal government. All deaths were last year.

When an outbreak occurs, we know the grim reaper comes calling at the aged care homes first, and it’s there that he reaps fastest and most unforgivingly. So, naturally, you’d assume the federal government would have taken special precautions. To make sure they’d put extra protections in place against any recurrence. Surely the Morrison government would have a plan for vaccinating the old folks in the aged care homes as a priority, and surely it would have a plan for vaccinating the workers in those homes.

After all, that’s how the virus got into the homes last year – in 84 per cent of the infections in aged care, it was inadvertently carried in by the staff.

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Calls to fast-track Pfizer for Victoria amid ‘phenomenal demand’ for vaccine

The Australian Medical Association is pushing for COVID-19 vaccines to be fast-tracked into general practices amid a growing Pfizer shortage in Victoria fuelled by an explosion in the number of people getting vaccinated.

Some general practitioners are warning they will not have enough vials to administer second doses and keep pace with demand without an immediate boost to their dwindling vaccine supply, as Victorians in their thousands line up for their first dose.

Their plea for more vaccines from the federal government came as the AMA’s Victorian chief called on other states to contribute Pfizer doses to boost Victoria’s supplies during its current outbreak.

It also follows a warning from Victoria’s Deputy Chief Health Officer Allen Cheng that Pfizer doses were swiftly drying up across the state, and that vaccine providers were running off a small stockpile.

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Australia’s Victoria reports Delta COVID variant in new outbreak

New variant has not been linked to any sequenced cases elsewhere in Australia but patients had traveled to New South Wales.

Authorities in the Australian state of Victoria said genomic sequencing has detected for the first time the Delta COVID-19 virus variant among infections in the latest outbreak in Melbourne, the state capital and Australia’s second-biggest city.

“That variant is the Delta variant, it is now infamous in India and increasingly found in the United Kingdom. It is a variant of significant concern,” Victoria state Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton told reporters in Melbourne on Friday.

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Gladys Berejiklian takes a savage swipe at Victoria for taking the 'easy' decision to lockdown the state FOUR times

Victoria took the 'easy' option by locking down for the fourth time rather than allowing residents to continue living their lives, Gladys Berejikilian has said.

The New South Wales Premier said it's much more challenging to suppress coronavirus while residents are moving around and suggested the Victorian government did not have confidence in its testing and contract tracing system.

Victoria was plunged into its fourth lockdown last week when an outbreak which originated in hotel quarantine in Adelaide reached 26 cases.

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The Only Safe way out is Vaccination - Do it Today.

Friday 4 June 2021

Quarantining travellers moved to second SA medi-hotel after testing delay and fears virus was airborne in corridor

Quarantining travelers have been evacuated after delays in testing a toddler with Covid sparked fears the virus was in hotel corridors. The toddler’s mother has now tested positive.

Delays in testing a toddler and his mother found with Covid-19 has sparked a new exposure alert in an Adelaide medi-hotel amid fears coronavirus may have spread through corridors.

The Advertiser has learnt SA Health staff took 18 minutes to test the two-year-old boy and the woman, aged in her 30s, in the corridor of the Peppers facility on Waymouth St on Thursday.

The delay, which officials said was caused by a range of factors including the child’s distress, language barriers and identity checks, has raised fresh concerns the virus may have leaked out.

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 The Only Safe way out is Vaccination - Do it Today.

National cabinet agrees mandatory vaccines for aged care workers

One group will be required to receive a Covid-19 vaccine before heading to work under new rules agreed by the federal and state governments.

The Covid-19 jab could become mandatory for aged care workers after the federal and state governments agreed to the measure.

Demands for mandatory vaccines have risen in recent days after Victoria’s Covid-19 outbreak passed between staff and residents at Melbourne’s Arcare facility.

Speaking after a national cabinet meeting on Friday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison revealed the nation’s leaders had paved the way for the measure.

“I was very firmly of the view, and supported strongly by states and territories, that we need to look at how we can do this safely,” Mr Morrison said.

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 Don't be Selfish  --  Vaccinate Today.


Think of Others You Love -- Vaccinate TODAY.

Australia politics live update: NSW reports 16 new Covid cases; premier Gladys Berejiklian announces new Sydney restrictions; NZ, WA, Qld and Victoria tighten borders

  NSW urgently investigating four mystery cases overnight. Follow all the latest updates, live New Zealand suspends travel bubble with NSW ...