Monday 7 June 2021

Hundreds roll up sleeves for the Pfizer vaccine in Mackay’s Covid-19 vaccination hub

Hundreds of people rolled up their sleeves for the Pfizer vaccine when Mackay’s Covid-19 vaccination hub expanded its hours to the weekend.

A steady steam of aged care workers, disability health workers and residents aged 40-49 fronted up at the CQUniversity hub – some walk-ins and some booked in.

With a friendly team and a seamless process, the process was over quickly and painlessly for most.

Rick and Julie Brake were visiting Mackay for business and were thrilled to be able to get their vaccines after what seemed like an endless struggle in Brisbane.

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Sunday 6 June 2021

What we know about the new Delta coronavirus variant that’s causing ‘significant concern’

There’s a new COVID-19 variant spreading in the community in Australia and it’s causing ‘significant concern’.

The Delta variant, which has become infamous for causing devastation in India and the UK, has been detected in Victoria’s outbreak.

On Friday morning genomic sequencing revealed that seven cases in Melbourne were infected with the strain.

It is different from the Kappa variant which caused the outbreak when an infected man left hotel quarantine in South Australia last month.

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Quarantine will be scrapped because Wellcamp Airport lacks air traffic control tower

The lack of a key piece of infrastructure is the reason why the Palaszczuk Government’s second quarantine hub proposal at Toowoomba is likely to be binned.

A Toowoomba Wellcamp quarantine camp that would house returned Australians, Pacific Island workers and international students will likely be scuttled because the nearest airport has no air traffic control tower.

The Courier-Mail understands the Commonwealth received Queensland’s latest detailed proposal on Friday with no warning, and has this raised questions so far around long travel times to Brisbane hospitals, who would own the facility and who would fund a necessary $100 million air traffic control tower.

It’s understood while large aeroplanes are physically capable of landing at Wellcamp Airport, insurance policies will not allow airlines to regularly land at airports with no control tower.

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The ‘Quaranteens’

What life’s like for young Australians who turned 18 in a pandemic.

In the future, we’ll look back at 2020 and remember it all like a blur: the lockdowns, the late-night press conference panics, the toilet paper shortages, the Netflix binging and the sourdough-starting, the anxiety, the loneliness, the grief.

Young Australians who were in their last year of high school will remember it as a generation-defining disaster.

The pandemic hit them in a fragile moment; the transition from school to the rest of their lives, when every decision they made felt life altering.

This period would normally be marked with a series of milestones. Instead, the class of 2020 said anti-climactic goodbyes from their bedrooms over Zoom. Many finished the year feeling trapped, disoriented and lost. 

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 Covid is NOT a Joke or Hoax - Millions have Died - Will You Be Next?

Saturday 5 June 2021

Fauci calls on China to release medical records of Wuhan lab workers who fell sick in 2019

Dr Anthony Fauci has called on China to release the medical records of three Wuhan lab researchers who fell sick with Covid-like symptoms in November 2019.

"I would like to see the medical records of the three people who are reported to have got sick in 2019. Did they really get sick, and if so, what did they get sick with?” Dr Fauci told the Financial Times on Thursday.

A spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, Wang Wenbin, would not say whether China would release the records but firmly denied that the laboratory was linked to the outbreak of Covid-19. The country has continually denied any laboratory involvement.

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US paid Chinese People’s Liberation Army to engineer coronaviruses

Anthony Fauci’s institute funded research by the Chinese military, the Wuhan Institute of ­Virology and American scientists to genetically manipulate coronaviruses soon before the pandemic hit.

The revelation shows American money was funding risky ­research on coronaviruses with People’s Liberation Army scientists – including decorated military scientist Zhou Yusen and the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s “Bat Woman”, Shi Zhengli.

Their research paper, submitted to the Journal of Virology in November 2019, was funded with three grants from the National ­Institutes of Health, via US universities. Details of the research funding, contained in the forthcoming book What Really Happened In Wuhan, go to the heart of whether senior US officials were reluctant to give credence to the theory that Covid-19 may be a ­result of a ­laboratory leak, out of concern that it would expose their ­complicity in providing funding to a facility that intelligence agencies suspected might have sparked the pandemic.

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18pc of aged care residents have elected not to have Covid-19 vaccination

Tens of thousands of aged-care residents across Australia are refusing to be vaccinated despite being at the highest risk of dying from Covid-19, new figures reveal.

The federal government has faced heavy criticism in recent days over the slow pace of ­vaccination rollout across aged-care facilities.

But figures released last week to a Senate estimates hearing show 33,000 — or 18 per cent — of elderly Australians offered a vaccination in aged-care facilities have not received one.

The statistics also reveal that vaccine hesitancy rates differ markedly across the country, with the elderly in Queensland, Western Australia and the North Territory far less likely to take a jab than their counterparts in Victoria and NSW.

According to the data provided to the Senate, one in five West Australian aged-care residents remained unvaccinated, even after being visited by federal government teams offering them the jab.

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Australia politics live update: NSW reports 16 new Covid cases; premier Gladys Berejiklian announces new Sydney restrictions; NZ, WA, Qld and Victoria tighten borders

  NSW urgently investigating four mystery cases overnight. Follow all the latest updates, live New Zealand suspends travel bubble with NSW ...