Monday 31 May 2021

‘No jab, no franking credits’: Let’s get creative to get Australia vaccinated

With each lockdown, it becomes ever clearer just how exposed we are. No quarantine system is perfect – none can guarantee the virus stays out. We’ve had a leak every two to three weeks, and we may continue to do so. We’ve been lucky most haven’t led to a full-blown outbreak, but the jury is still out on this one. Victorians are suffering now – but any state could be next.

What makes this frustrating is that the world invented a silver bullet a full 15 months ago. Other countries waited, cautiously, until nine months later to start rolling vaccines out. We dragged our feet, inexplicably, for a further two months, by the time they’d already rolled out millions. That two-month delay achieved nothing. Having finally got going, we’ve underperformed even the slowpoke European Union. At our current pace, we won’t be done until the end of next year at the earliest.

Full Story Here....

 Don't Be a Fool  --  Get Vaccinated

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